Donations / Prepay

We gladly accept donations, which go directly to the scholarship fund, for our three annual Arts & Music Scholarships, awarded to three Finneytown seniors each year at graduation. If you wish to send over a donation, and any amount is welcomed, you can use our secure, online PayPal account by clicking on the PayPal button below, or by sending a check made out to “Finneytown Schools Educational Foundation” Put on Memo Line of Check:  The P.E.M. Memorial and mailing it to: Finneytown Schools Educational Foundation P.O. Box 317647, Cincinnati, OH 45231 Attn: Treasurer Or just click on the Donate button below to make an immediate donation online using your credit card or PayPal account. PayPal accepts Visa, Discover and Mastercard and is 100% secure and safe to use. If you have any problems at all, please contact John Hutchins, and we’ll be sure to help.

Paypal, processing fees are 2.9% + $0.30 of the donation.